Thursday, August 14, 2008

This Is What I Do

I started working for in March of 2000. My then girlfriend, now wife, after replying to a help wanted ad started selling ads to local business owners on Her responsibilities included finding businesses to advertise on the site, working with the owners, taking pictures and then creating a webpage ad that was then featured on It did not take much time for me to see the potential in this and i began to help. At first, I juggled with my job as a waiter/ bartender at The Red Horse Steak House. I soon realized that if I just focused on, I could make more and do it on my own terms. I built up the courage to jump in with both feet and gave the Red Horse my notice. In my first year with, I was relentless. In my first year, selling ads and listings on, I signed up over 200 businesses and now, in August 2008, after 8 years, I have close to 500 clients that I work with, helping them be more findable in their community, Frederick, Maryland.

The most rewarding part of what I do is meeting, talking to and helping hard working business owners that make up Frederick County Maryland. It encourages me to hear my clients say that they got a customer or a job from someone finding the webpage that I sold and created for them. I also feel good about the fact that our advertising is affordable and effective. I have yet, in 8 years, to increase a clients annual advertising rate, not because I couldn't, but because that is the promise that we made to the businesses that believed in what we were doing from the beginning. We reward them by adding more and more value to their sponsorship and keeping the price to advertise low. Businesses are so used to paying for more expensive, and increasingly less effective forms of advertising that I think it is refreshing for them to see me once a year with the same advertising rate and better product on a more popular website than the year before. I am very grateful for the opportunity to be in a position to help out business owners in my community and at the same time, to have fun and provide for my family.

Check out and the 100s of pages that I am proud to have taken photos for and put together for local businesses. If you own a business in Frederick County Maryland and would like to be found, email me at or call 301-514-3901. If you already have a website, great, you should. Now its time to build some links and make your site findable. If you don't have a site, no problem, I'll come meet with you to learn more about your business, gather your company info, take pictures, register a domain name and get your started on the web. I can also help you set up Google and Yahoo business accounts to help drive more quality traffic to your site and more customers to your door. Check Out Our Advertising Options And Give Me a Call

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